Python Practise 2

1.Fill in the blanks of this code to print out the numbers 1 through 7.

number = 1
while number <=7:
 print(number, end=" ")

Answer: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2.The show_letters function should print out each letter of a word on a separate line. Fill in the blanks to make that happen.

def show_letters(word):
 for letters in word:
# Should print one line per letter







3.Complete the function digits(n) that returns how many digits the number has. For example: 25 has 2 digits and 144 has 3 digits. Tip: you can figure out the digits of a number by dividing it by 10 once per digit until there are no digits left.

def digits(n):
 count = 0
 if n == 0:
 return 1
 while (int(n/10) != 0):
 count += 1
 n = int(n/10)
 return count+1

print(digits(25)) # Should print 2
print(digits(144)) # Should print 3
print(digits(1000)) # Should print 4
print(digits(0)) # Should print 1
Answer:2 3 4 1

4.This function prints out a multiplication table (where each number is the result of multiplying the first number of its row by the number at the top of its column). Fill in the blanks so that calling multiplication_table(1,3) will print out:

1 2 3 2 4 6 3 6 9

def multiplication_table(start, stop):
 for x in range(start,stop+1):
 for y in range(start,stop+1):
 print(str(x*y), end=" ")
multiplication_table(1, 3)
# Should print the multiplication table shown above
Answer: Answer is given in question above

5.The following code raises an error when executed. What’s the reason for the error?

def decade_counter():
 while year < 50:
 year += 10
 return year
Answer: Failure to initialize variables

6.What is the value of x at the end of the following code?

for x in range(1, 10, 3):

7.What is the value of y at the end of the following code?

for x in range(10):
 for y in range(x):

8.How does this function need to be called to print yes, no, and maybe as possible options?

def votes(params):
 for vote in params:
 print("Possible option:" + vote)
Answer: votes([‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘maybe’])
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✓Intern in Bolt iot ✓frontend developer ✓java,Python,C✓IBM certified in Data Science and AI✓Google certified in Google Digital unlocked✓competative programmer✓web developer
